Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Year in Review: 2009 (so far)

January 2 -- hCG levels 130 -- positive
January 6 -- hCG levels 455 -- still positive, officially pregnant
January 7 -- Acupuncture
January 14 -- Acupuncture
January 20 -- Six-week ultrasound, see heart beat
January 21 -- Acupuncture
January 27 -- Seven-week ultrasound, no heart beat
January 30 -- D&C. Failure #9

February 9 -- Follow-up appointment in Syracuse
February 16 -- Blood work, hCG levels still visable
February 23 -- Blood work, hCG levels still visable

March 2 -- Blood work, hCG levels finally stabilize
March 4 -- Acupuncture
March 31 -- Baseline U/S and blood work; Acupuncture

April 2 -- Begin daily medications: injectables (in stomach) -- Gonal-F, Menopur, Lupron
April 6 -- U/S and blood work
April 7 -- Acupuncture
April 8 -- U/S and blood work
April 10 -- U/S and blood work
April 13 -- U/S and blood work
April 15 -- U/S and blood work
April 17 -- U/S and blood work
April 18 -- U/S and blood work
April 20 -- U/S and blood work
April 23 -- Acupuncture
April 24 -- Egg retrieval -- four eggs; acupuncture pre- and post-retrieval
April 25 -- Embryologist called, two embryos; begin daily medication: injectables(in stomach) -- Lovenox, (intra-muscular) progesterone in oil; three progesterone suppositories daily
April 27 -- Three embryos transferred (there was a late bloomer that decided to fertilize); acupuncture pre- and post-transfer; IVF #4
April 30 -- Acupuncture

May 7 -- Acupuncture
May 8 -- Negative test. Failure #10
May 15 -- Baseline U/S and blood work
May 16 -- Begin daily medications: injectables (in stomach) – Gonal-F, Menopur, Lupron
May 19 -- Yoga for Fertility class
May 20 -- U/S and blood work
May 21 -- Acupuncture
May 22 -- U/S and blood work
May 25 -- U/S and blood work
May 26 -- Yoga for Fertility Class
May 27 -- U/S and blood work
May 29 -- U/S and blood work; acupuncture

June 1 -- U/S and blood work
June 2 -- Yoga; Spotting
June 3 -- U/S and blood work; Decide to go with IUI this month
June 4 -- IUI #7; Acupuncture
June 5 -- Acupuncture
June 7 -- Begin daily medications: injectables (in stomach) Lovonox, (intramuscular) progesterone in oil; three progesterone suppositories

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