Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Year in Review: 2009 (continued)

June 1 -- U/S and blood work
June 2 -- Yoga; Spotting
June 3 -- U/S and blood work; Decide to go with IUI this month
June 4 -- IUI #7; Acupuncture
June 5 -- Acupuncture
June 7 -- Begin daily medications: injectables (in stomach) Lovonox, and (intra-muscular) Progesterone in Oil; three progesterone suppositories
June 9 -- Yoga
June 11 -- Acupuncture
June 16 -- Yoga
June 18 -- Negative test. Failure #11.
June 21 -- Start period
June 22 -- Baseline U/S and blood work; start BCP for three weeks
June 23 -- Yoga
June 30 -- Yoga

July 7 -- Yoga; fertility massage
July 13 -- U/S and blood work; fertility massage
July 14 -- Yoga
July 15 -- Acupuncture; start period
July 17 -- U/S and blood work; Begin daily medication: injectable (in stomach) Gonal-F
July 20 -- U/S and blood work; support group
July 22 -- U/S and blood work; continue with Gonal-F, start Gannorellix (injectable)
July 23 -- Acupuncture
July 24 -- U/S and blood work
July 25 -- Fertility massage
July 27 -- U/S and blood work
July 28 -- Yoga
July 29 -- U/S and blood work
July 31 -- U/S and blood work

August 3 -- Fertility massage
August 4 -- Retrieval (5 eggs); start progesterone suppositories (3 daily); acupuncture
August 6 -- Transfer (2 embryos); begin daily medications: injectable (in stomach) Lovanox, and (intramuscular) Progesterone in oil; acupuncture
August 11 -- Yoga
August 13 -- Acupuncture
August 18 -- Negative Test. Failure #12.
August 19 -- Consult with doctor.

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