Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Clear Sailing?

So an update on the baby news....I spoke with my nurse practitioner this afternoon. The doctor wants me to go in and have a dye test on my fallopian tubes, so I'll do that next Tuesday, and then take the day off. They said there would be cramping and that I should take 4 to 5 200 mg of Advil about an hour before the test. Great!

If the tubes are clear then we'll do a couple cycles of IUI (same as I've been doing) with the injectable hormones (which triples my baseline levels). I have injectable training scheduled for the day after Memorial Day. And I have a list of questions to go over with her when I do that -- side effects, disposal of needles, etc.

If the tubes aren't clear, I didn't ask, but I'm assuming that we just jump right to IVF. I have to go in and meet with the doctor on Thursday, so she'll go over everything with me. And I'll have a list of questions for her, too.

Stay tuned.

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